Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) & Prevention Starting with Feet
Foot Conditions Bunions, Hammertoes, Corns and other foot conditions might seem normal foot problems; however, any foot condition might become more serious in the presence of Peripheral Vascular Disease. Normal blood flow is necessary for healing and because PVD diminishes blood flow to extremities, the healing process slows down making the injury/problem/condition be more susceptible to infections and/or serious complications. | To avoid foot complications, people with Peripheral Vascular Disease should follow these precautions: Wash Your Feet Daily Wash your feet every day, even twice a day, with warm water. Do not use hot water. Use mild soap and don’t forget to dry your feet gently and well, including between your toes. Moisturize the Skin In the presence of PVD your feet tend to be drier. It is important to keep the skin of your feet soft and smooth to avoid infections. Apply lotion after cleaning your feet. Consult your Doctor of Podiatric Medicine to make sure you are using the appropriate lotion for your condition. Do Not Go Barefoot ![]() Avoid going barefoot on beaches, parks, grass, even in your own house. Getting small cuts or abrasions might be a huge problem for patients with PVD due to their susceptibility to infection. Choose the Right Shoes Make sure your shoes fit well and are comfortable. When buying new shoes, measure both feet and choose the size of the biggest foot. Wear your new shoes for just a couple of hours initially to avoid blisters and always check your feet after taking your shoes off. Trim Your Nails Cut your toenails straight across. Cutting your toenails too short or cutting them in rounded shapes will give bacteria a chance to gather in the corners and cause infection. ![]() Wear Socks Try to always wear socks. These will help you to relieve pressure points in your shoes and keep your feet warm in cold temperatures. Be Active and keep the blood flowing Ask your doctors for the best activity or exercise according to your condition. Make sure you wear proper footwear when walking, bicycling or during any exercise. Put your feet up when sitting and try not to cross your legs. Wiggle feet and toes to increase blood flow and decrease pain. Visit a Podiatrist It is really important for people with PVD to visit a Podiatrist. They will assess your condition and offer you the best treatment to take care of your condition and to avoid future complications. |